Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Portrait and three pencils

Yesterday Alfred Jones(better known as alfredart), started his class, Portraits in three-part Harmony in the Drawing and Sketching forum of Wet Canvas. Alfred uses only three pencils to achieve the incredible portraits he draws. He started us off with the use of the pencils with whatever subject we wanted. This was my attempt. I am now working on the first portrait that is the same reference for all of us and next week, we will draw a reference of our preference.


Pilan said...

Mariana, great pear. I am going to watch you. Pilan

Mary said...

thank you, Paula! I still have to learn to control these pencils and i am working on the portait now.

Jeanette Jobson said...

I think your control is already there Mary. The art you produce is pure gold.

Mary said...

Thank you, Jeanette! Your's is definitely, pure gold.