Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Mayan Series II

There are days when I just can't seem to focus on what it is I really want to do and find it so difficult to face a blank canvas. I would really like to try abstracts with a brush and tissue paper like I have done in the past but I get inspired with something else and jump around from one thing to another. I felt that the pour in this painting needed a little more than just the pour. I worked on it trying to get some depth but being used to oil and this being acrylic, I found it hard to follow the original shapes, of the pour. I drew in the Mayan design with a quill pen that I found much easier to control than any other type of pen but still there is something missing or maybe, these are just not my colors.


Pilan said...

Superior!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

I can't say anymore than this!!

Mary said...

Thak you Paula, your comments always encourage me.